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Endangerment Offenses in Arizona

What Are Endangerment Offenses in Arizona?

At Sheldora Law Firm, we understand that being charged with endangerment can be a stressful and overwhelming experience. Endangerment offenses are serious charges that can arise from situations where someone’s actions put another person at risk of harm, even if no one was actually injured. Arizona law takes endangerment seriously, and a conviction can lead to significant penalties, including fines, jail time, and a lasting criminal record. Whether the charge stems from a traffic incident, reckless behavior, or another situation, it’s important to understand the nature of the offense and your legal rights.

Endangerment is governed by A.R.S. § 13-1201, which defines the crime as recklessly endangering another person with a substantial risk of imminent death or physical injury. The severity of the charge depends on the level of risk involved and whether there was a potential threat to human life.

Types of Endangerment Offenses in Arizona

Endangerment offenses in Arizona can vary based on the circumstances and level of risk posed to others. While these charges may arise in a variety of situations, common examples include reckless driving, handling dangerous objects, or engaging in conduct that creates a significant risk to others.

  • Reckless Driving (A.R.S. § 28-693): Reckless driving often leads to endangerment charges if the driver’s actions put others at risk of harm. This can include speeding, weaving through traffic, or other reckless behavior behind the wheel. If the driving creates a substantial risk of injury or death, endangerment charges may be filed in addition to any traffic violations.
  • Handling Dangerous Objects: Endangerment charges may arise when someone handles dangerous objects or substances in a way that poses a risk to others. This can include reckless use of firearms, fireworks, or chemicals that could cause harm if mishandled.
  • Child Endangerment: Situations where a child is placed in a dangerous or hazardous situation can lead to endangerment charges. Examples include leaving a child unattended in a car, exposing them to dangerous substances, or engaging in reckless behavior while caring for a child.
  • Driving Under the Influence (DUI) and Endangerment (A.R.S. § 28-1381): Driving under the influence of alcohol or drugs can lead to endangerment charges, particularly if the impaired driving creates a risk of injury or death to others. DUI cases often result in enhanced penalties when the driver’s actions pose a danger to others on the road.

Penalties for Endangerment in Arizona

The penalties for endangerment in Arizona depend on the level of risk posed to others and whether there was a potential risk of death. Endangerment is classified as either a misdemeanor or a felony, depending on the circumstances:

  • Misdemeanor Endangerment: If the endangerment offense involves a substantial risk of physical injury but not death, the charge is typically classified as a Class 1 misdemeanor. The penalties can include up to 6 months in jail, fines up to $2,500, and probation. Additionally, individuals convicted of misdemeanor endangerment may be required to attend court-ordered counseling or perform community service.
  • Felony Endangerment: If the offense involves a substantial risk of imminent death, endangerment is charged as a Class 6 felony. The penalties for felony endangerment can include up to 2 years in prison, significant fines, and long-term probation. Felony convictions also come with a permanent criminal record, which can impact future employment, housing, and civil rights, such as the right to vote or own firearms.

In cases involving child endangerment or DUI-related endangerment, the penalties may be enhanced, resulting in longer prison sentences or higher fines. Additionally, repeat offenders or individuals with a prior criminal record may face harsher penalties.

Defenses Against Endangerment Charges

At Sheldora Law Firm, we understand that endangerment charges can arise from a variety of situations, and not every case involves criminal intent or reckless behavior. We will work closely with you to understand the details of your case and build a strong defense. Being charged with endangerment doesn’t mean you’re guilty, and our legal team is committed to protecting your rights.

Here are some common defenses we may explore when defending against endangerment charges:

  • Lack of Recklessness: Endangerment charges require proof that the defendant acted recklessly and created a substantial risk to others. If your actions were not reckless or if there was no real danger involved, we may be able to argue that the charge should be dismissed or reduced.
  • Lack of Intent: In some cases, individuals are charged with endangerment despite not intending to cause harm. If we can show that your actions were unintentional or that you had no intent to endanger anyone, this can serve as a defense.
  • Self-Defense or Necessity: If you were acting in self-defense or in response to an emergency situation, we may be able to argue that your actions were justified. For example, if you engaged in risky behavior to avoid an immediate threat or danger, this could be used to reduce or dismiss the charges.
  • Challenging the Evidence: In endangerment cases, the prosecution must provide evidence that your actions created a substantial risk of harm. We will thoroughly investigate the evidence, challenge any weaknesses, and work to have the charges reduced or dismissed.

Why You Need Legal Representation for Endangerment Charges

Endangerment charges can result in serious consequences, including jail time, fines, and a permanent criminal record. Without proper legal representation, you risk facing the full penalties associated with the offense, which can affect your future in significant ways. At Sheldora Law Firm, we are committed to providing strong legal defense for individuals facing endangerment charges, and we will fight to protect your rights throughout the legal process.

Our experienced legal team will carefully examine the details of your case, explore all available defenses, and work to reduce or dismiss the charges whenever possible. Whether you’re facing misdemeanor or felony endangerment charges, we will fight tirelessly to achieve the best possible outcome.


Facing endangerment charges in Arizona can be overwhelming, but with the right legal defense, you can protect your rights and your future. At Sheldora Law Firm, we are dedicated to providing strong legal representation for individuals facing endangerment charges and ensuring that their cases are handled with care and expertise.

If you or a loved one is facing endangerment charges, contact Sheldora Law Firm today for a consultation. We’ll review your case, explain your options, and work with you to build a defense strategy tailored to your needs.