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Armed Robbery in Arizona

What Is Armed Robbery in Arizona?

At Sheldora Law Firm, we understand that being charged with armed robbery is a life-altering experience. Armed robbery is one of the most serious criminal offenses in Arizona, and a conviction can lead to severe consequences, including lengthy prison sentences, fines, and a permanent criminal record. If you or a loved one is facing armed robbery charges, it’s crucial to have a clear understanding of the charges and your legal options to protect your future.

Armed robbery in Arizona is defined under A.R.S. § 13-1904, which states that a person commits armed robbery when they take or attempt to take someone’s property by force, threat, or intimidation while armed with a deadly weapon or a simulated weapon. The involvement of a weapon significantly enhances the severity of the crime, making it a Class 2 felony.

Key Elements of Armed Robbery

To understand armed robbery, it’s essential to break down the elements that the prosecution must prove in order to secure a conviction. There are three main elements involved in armed robbery charges:

  • Use or Threat of Force: Armed robbery involves using force or the threat of force to take property from another person. The victim must feel threatened or be physically overpowered for the crime to qualify as robbery.
  • Intent to Steal: The prosecution must prove that the defendant intended to deprive the victim of their property. This element is crucial, as accidental force or misunderstanding typically does not constitute armed robbery.
  • Use of a Weapon: Armed robbery requires the use of a deadly weapon or dangerous instrument, such as a gun, knife, or even a simulated weapon like a fake gun. The presence of a weapon elevates a simple robbery to armed robbery, leading to more severe penalties.

Penalties for Armed Robbery in Arizona

Armed robbery is one of the most serious felony charges under Arizona law and is classified as a Class 2 felony. The penalties for armed robbery can be harsh and include mandatory prison time, especially if a deadly weapon was involved.

  • Prison Sentences: A conviction for armed robbery can lead to a prison sentence of 7 to 21 years. If the defendant has prior felony convictions, the sentence may be enhanced, resulting in longer prison time.
  • Aggravating Factors: The penalties for armed robbery can be increased if certain aggravating factors are present. For example, if the robbery was committed while on probation or parole, or if the victim suffered serious injury, the court may impose a harsher sentence.
  • Fines and Restitution: In addition to prison time, individuals convicted of armed robbery may face fines and be required to pay restitution to the victims for any financial losses or damages caused during the crime.
  • Felony Record: A felony conviction for armed robbery will leave a permanent mark on your criminal record, which can affect your ability to find employment, secure housing, or regain your civil rights, such as voting or owning firearms.

Given the severity of these penalties, it’s critical to work with an experienced attorney who can help you build a strong defense and work toward the best possible outcome for your case.

Defenses Against Armed Robbery Charges

At Sheldora Law Firm, we understand that every case is different, and we are dedicated to providing personalized legal strategies for each of our clients. Armed robbery cases often involve complex situations and multiple parties, making it essential to examine all the facts and build a comprehensive defense.

Here are some common defenses we may explore in your case:

  • Lack of Weapon: One of the key elements of armed robbery is the use of a deadly weapon or a simulated weapon. If there was no weapon involved, the charges may be reduced to simple robbery, which carries less severe penalties.
  • Mistaken Identity: In many cases, individuals are wrongfully accused of armed robbery due to mistaken identity. We will thoroughly investigate your case to determine whether there is any evidence, such as surveillance footage or witness testimony, that can prove you were not involved.
  • Lack of Intent: Intent is a critical element of any robbery charge. If you didn’t intend to permanently deprive the victim of their property or if the use of force was accidental or in self-defense, we may be able to argue that the charges should be reduced or dismissed.
  • Coercion or Duress: In some cases, individuals are forced to commit armed robbery under threat or coercion from another party. If you were compelled to participate in the crime under duress, this can serve as a defense to reduce your responsibility for the act.
  • Constitutional Violations: If your constitutional rights were violated during the investigation, arrest, or questioning, we may be able to challenge the evidence against you. This could include an unlawful search, failure to read your Miranda rights, or coerced confessions.

Why You Need Legal Representation for Armed Robbery Charges

Given the serious nature of armed robbery charges, it’s essential to have experienced legal representation on your side. Without a strong defense, you could be facing years in prison, steep fines, and a permanent criminal record. At Sheldora Law Firm, we are committed to protecting your rights and building a strong defense tailored to your case.

Our legal team will investigate every detail of your case, from examining the evidence and witness testimony to exploring possible defenses that can reduce or dismiss the charges. Whether it’s negotiating with the prosecution for a plea deal or fighting for your innocence in court, we are prepared to work tirelessly on your behalf.


Armed robbery is a serious crime with severe penalties that can have long-lasting consequences for your life. At Sheldora Law Firm, we are here to help you navigate the legal process and fight for your rights. With the right defense strategy, you can work toward minimizing the impact of these charges on your future.

If you or a loved one has been charged with armed robbery, contact Sheldora Law Firm today for a consultation. We’ll review your case, explain your options, and work with you to develop a defense strategy that best suits your situation.