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Violent Crimes in Arizona

What Are Violent Crimes in Arizona?

At Sheldora Law Firm, we understand the seriousness of being charged with a violent crime. These charges come with harsh penalties that can change the course of your life. Whether it’s assault, armed robbery, or domestic violence, violent crime charges often carry lengthy prison sentences, heavy fines, and long-lasting damage to your reputation. If you’re facing such accusations, it’s crucial to have a knowledgeable and experienced defense team on your side. Violent crimes in Arizona are taken very seriously, and the legal system is tough on individuals accused of these offenses.

Violent crimes in Arizona are governed by various statutes and include offenses such as aggravated assault, armed robbery, murder, and domestic violence. These crimes often involve the use of force or the threat of harm to others, and the penalties can be severe, especially if weapons or serious injuries are involved.

Types of Violent Crimes in Arizona

Arizona has a wide range of violent crimes that come with different levels of penalties. Here are some of the most common violent crimes people are charged with in the state:

  • Aggravated Assault (A.R.S. § 13-1204): Aggravated assault is one of the most serious types of assault in Arizona and involves causing serious physical injury or using a deadly weapon. This is a Class 3 felony but can be elevated depending on the circumstances, such as whether the victim was a child, a police officer, or another vulnerable individual.
  • Armed Robbery (A.R.S. § 13-1904): Armed robbery involves taking property from another person by force or intimidation while using a weapon or dangerous object. This crime is treated as a Class 2 felony, and a conviction can result in many years in prison.
  • Homicide (A.R.S. § 13-1105 to A.R.S. § 13-1103): Homicide charges, including first-degree murder, second-degree murder, and manslaughter, are some of the most serious charges you can face in Arizona. First-degree murder can result in life imprisonment or the death penalty.
  • Domestic Violence (A.R.S. § 13-3601): Domestic violence charges cover a wide range of behaviors, including assault, harassment, and threats, and involve individuals who are related, cohabitating, or involved in a romantic relationship. These cases can be charged as misdemeanors or felonies, depending on the severity and the circumstances.
  • Kidnapping (A.R.S. § 13-1304): Kidnapping involves taking or holding someone against their will, often to demand ransom or commit another crime. Depending on the severity and whether a weapon was involved, kidnapping can be classified as a Class 2 or 3 felony.

Penalties for Violent Crimes in Arizona

Violent crimes are some of the most heavily punished offenses in Arizona, and the consequences of a conviction can affect you for the rest of your life. Here’s a breakdown of the typical penalties you may face if convicted of a violent crime:

  • Prison Sentences: Depending on the severity of the crime, prison sentences can range from a few years to life imprisonment. Crimes like first-degree murder can result in life without parole or even the death penalty. Other violent crimes, such as aggravated assault or armed robbery, can lead to 5 to 25 years in prison, depending on the circumstances.
  • Fines: In addition to prison time, individuals convicted of violent crimes can face significant fines, often reaching tens of thousands of dollars. These fines are intended to serve as both punishment and a deterrent to future criminal behavior.
  • Probation or Parole: After serving time, many individuals are placed on probation or parole, which includes strict terms and conditions. Violating these terms can result in being sent back to prison.
  • Loss of Civil Rights: Convictions for violent crimes often lead to the loss of civil rights, such as the right to vote, own firearms, or hold certain jobs. These consequences can make reintegrating into society after serving time incredibly difficult.
  • Criminal Record: A conviction for a violent crime will result in a permanent criminal record, which can severely limit your job prospects, housing options, and overall reputation in the community.

Defenses Against Violent Crime Charges

At Sheldora Law Firm, we know that every violent crime case is unique, and so is the defense strategy. Just because you’ve been charged doesn’t mean you are guilty, and our job is to make sure your side of the story is told. We will fight tirelessly to ensure you receive the best possible outcome for your case.

Here are some common defenses we might use in your case:

  • Self-Defense: One of the most common defenses in violent crime cases is self-defense. If you were forced to use violence to protect yourself or someone else from immediate harm, we can argue that your actions were justified.
  • Defense of Others: Similar to self-defense, if you were protecting someone else from serious harm, this can serve as a defense. We’ll show that your actions were necessary to defend another person from danger.
  • Lack of Intent: Many violent crimes require the prosecution to prove intent. If you didn’t intend to commit a crime, this can be a viable defense, particularly in cases involving accidental harm.
  • False Accusations: Unfortunately, false accusations can occur, especially in emotionally charged situations like domestic violence or disputes between people who know each other. We will thoroughly investigate the circumstances surrounding the charges to uncover any motives behind false claims.
  • Mistaken Identity: In some cases, the wrong person is accused of a crime due to mistaken identity. We will work to present evidence proving that you were not the person who committed the violent act.

Why You Need Legal Representation for Violent Crime Charges

Facing a violent crime charge is one of the most serious legal situations anyone can find themselves in. Without a strong defense, you could be looking at years in prison, hefty fines, and a criminal record that could impact your entire future. At Sheldora Law Firm, we have the knowledge and experience needed to build a strong defense for you, no matter how complex the case may be.

Our legal team will thoroughly review every aspect of your case, from the evidence and witness testimony to how law enforcement handled the investigation. We’re committed to fighting for your rights and will work tirelessly to achieve the best possible outcome for your case, whether that’s a reduction in charges, a dismissal, or a not guilty verdict.


Violent crimes are among the most serious offenses under Arizona law, and the penalties for a conviction can be life-changing. At Sheldora Law Firm, we’re here to help you navigate this difficult time and protect your future. We will work to build a personalized defense strategy that gives you the best chance of minimizing the impact of these charges on your life.

If you or a loved one is facing violent crime charges, don’t wait. Contact Sheldora Law Firm today for a consultation, and let us help you fight for your rights and your future.
